Hello Friends and Family,
Well after a long and
stressful day of preparing for the transfer we have tomorrow, I am finally
getting around to sending my weekly email. A lot happened this week and I have
a lot of thoughts, I hope I'll be able to convey them all.
This week we were able to
have a lesson with Boet! It was great! Boet is an amazing man. He is in his
50's or 60's. He is a white man (only in South Africa where you have to clarify
that lol). He is divorced and lives by himself next door to one of our members.
We've been doing service for him over the past couple of weeks and as I shared
last week, he was super open and eager for us to come share the gospel with
him. On Friday we were able to. We had a great lesson about the restoration and
about the darkness that he feels he is in. Boet can talk. We had a 4 hour
lesson with him, not by choice. But it was great for us to be able to let him
talk and for us to just listen. Listening to other people has become one of my
favorite things to do, especially when I know that something in what they say
will allow me to relate the gospel to their lives. At the end of the lesson we
invited Boet to general conference. He happily and readily accepted the
invitation. We also invited him to close with a prayer. I won't forget this
moment, as we stood there Boet bowed his head and began to offer a humble and
sincere plea with God, about midway through the prayer the spirit rushed into
the room and Boet began to become very emotional. It was a very tender and
special moment and an opportunity for us to let Boet know that grown men do cry
lol. Unfortunately, we got a message Friday night from Boet informing us
that his friend had to move and that he was rushing over to help her move and
that he would be helping on Saturday as well so he wouldn't be able to make it
for conference. I've never felt so disappointed before. However, we know that
it was a sincere reason why he wasn't able to come. We are excited for this
coming week.
Also, on Friday we were able
to conduct the MTC experience. This is when we take the MTC missionaries out
into the mission field to do some finding and teaching for a few hours. I was
privileged to be paired with Elder Previatti who is from Brazil and will be
coming to our mission. We had a great time together. It was amazing to see
Elder Previatti use the fact that he is learning English to his advantage in
starting conversations with others. I was also able to learn a valuable lesson
from Elder Previatti. As we concluded speaking with a man who didn't seem too
interested, I began to turn to leave. As I did Elder Previatti stopped me by
asking the man if we could leave him with a prayer to bless him and his day.
The man's whole demeanor changed after the prayer. Elder Previatti is going to
do some amazing things on his mission.
Saturday and Sunday we were
finally able to watch general conference. I loved every minute of general
conference! General conference is like gold for missionaries. Especially when
we are able to get people that we are teaching to come. Bro. and Sis.
Alexander, who we have been teaching for a while now and we have been
struggling to get them to come to church because they are devoted and very
active in their church, came to conference. One thing that we have been stuck
on with them is about the Plan of Salvation and helping them receive an answer
if the Book of Mormon is true or not. They attended the Saturday Afternoon
session, literally almost every talk was focused on the concerns that they have
been having. Elder Mathias Helds talk was perfect for them! His conversion
story is very similar to where they are at currently in their search to find
out if these things are true.
Another talk that I enjoyed
was Elder Dieter F Uchtdorfs talk from the Saturday Morning session. If you
thought missionary work was hard, go read his talk. Here are the 5 simple
things we can do to help us in sharing the gospel.
First, draw close to God.
Second, fill your heart with
love for others.
Third, strive to walk the
path of discipleship.
Fourth, share what is in your
Fifth, trust the Lord to work
His miracles.
The 3rd talk that I
absolutely loved was Elder Carl B Cook from the Priesthood session. If you want
to know what missionary work is like in Africa, go watch his talk. I have seen
the principles taught in his talk take place throughout my mission. In my last
area the young men went from 1 to 20 because of 1 young man that was baptized
who then was an example to his friends, which they then followed, and so on.
His talk really made me realize how much I am going to miss South Africa.
Unfortunately on Sunday
Wayden dropped us. We are still good friends with him and still gave him the
invitation to read the Book of Mormon and search to find out if it is true but
he feels like the Rema church which he has been attending with his girlfriend
is where he should be. It was disappointing but we know a very strong seed has
been planted.
Well Elder Spencer has
finished his mission. It has been great to serve with him and to be able to
learn a lot from him. He finished strong and was a very good example to me.
Unfortunately I couldn’t get rid of him forever, I’ll be seeing him and living
with him once again in 4 months when we room together at BYU lol. Also, in sad
news, Elder Nau collapsed earlier in the week last week. This caused much more
concern and urgency to obtain a full diagnosis of what is causing these
collapses. After counsel between him, his parents, President and Sister
Leavitt, and medical professionals they came to the decision that it would be
best for him to return home to obtain the medical treatment necessary to
discover what is wrong with the hope of returning to the mission field
depending on the diagnosis. These two Elders are great men and we had a blast
serving together. Elder Willison and I will continue to serve together as we
seek to grow the Lord's vineyard in Florida.
Sincerely, Elder Rash
The MTC Experience with Elder Previatti from Brazil |
All the missionaries still in the MTC with their day companion for the
MTC experience |
President Leavitt getting the perfect picture |
Grilling is one of his favorite things to do |
Devon loves these men. They will be attending BYU together
(Elder Rash, Elder Spencer and Elder Jolley) |