Hello Friends and Family!
So this week has flown by
compared to last week. Probably because I had a P-day this week unlike last week
since I was on a plane on Monday.
So this week it rained
everyday from Wednesday-Saturday. Let's just say that dirty roads as well as
dirt roads mixed with rain does not go well with biking. So, Wednesday-Friday it started raining about
3 pm each day. Usually we would be in a lesson when it rained hard so we didn't
get too soaked; but when the roads are wet then our bike tires flick water and
mud up onto our backs. So let's just say our white shirts weren't so white by
the end of the day. Although it rained and was a little chilly it was still
super enjoyable! Nothing like getting wet and muddy for others so we can help
them come unto Christ. Elder Blow and I were happy to do it, but Elder
Soglohoun wasn't to hip on biking in the rain.
So Saturday we went on splits
with some members so we could meet with more people. Elder Blow and a member
took the bikes to 2 different appointments that were nearby each other but a
ways away from the chapel. That way they could bike back when they were done.
Elder Soglohoun and I went with a member to a potential investigator who lived
near the chapel, so we walked. We were at least prepared this day and brought
our jackets. However walking for about 10 minutes in the pouring rain is still
going to do some damage. By the time we got to the potential investigators
alleged home our jackets, pants, and heads were soaked. When we went to see if
the potential investigator was home we were told they didn't know who that
person was and that they didn't live there. At that point we were like what do
we do? We were already soaked and had another 10 minute walk back to the
chapel. We had planned on doing some finding after that lesson but with it
pouring no one was out on the streets. And if they were they weren't going to
stop and talk in the rain. So we decided to go to an investigators home who
lived nearby. Her and her son are on date to be baptized on the 10th of December.
When we got there they first just laughed at us and then got us towels to dry
off and pulled up a heater and blanket for us to get warm and dry off. After we
were dry we headed back to the chapel to meet up with Elder Blow and Bro. Thato.
Their success was a lot better. They were able to have 2 lessons. They were
soaked and muddy as well when they got back lol. This rain threw a wrench in
our week and despite many appointments falling through we were able to have a
pretty successful week. I believe we had 11 new investigators this week and 7
at sacrament meeting.
So Saturday night we received
transfer news. Elder Blow and I will be staying in Kwa-Thema and Elder
Soglohoun will be going to Roodeport. He was not very happy because he wanted
to spend his whole mission in Kwa-Thema and he had been telling us he knew he wasn't
leaving. Elder Blow and I, the Zone Leaders, as well as the other companionship
in our district had to do a lot of teaching with Elder Soglohoun. Hopefully
this experience will help him understand that the Lord needs us in other places
sometimes and we need to understand that we are His instruments and should go
and serve wherever He has assigned us. Elder Blow and I are excited to get to
work again in our area. Especially with Light the World beginning we are
working with our ward to do many activities for Light the World. We also
received news that we will be receiving a car now. I loved biking but there are
pros and cons to both biking and driving. I am quite excited to be driving in South
Africa again.
We met with a lady last night
named Naledi who the bishop referred us too. She had a lot of questions and
also told us that she has been looking for a church and wants her baby to be
blessed. We had a powerful lesson and invited her to be baptized when she comes
to know these things to be true.
We have many new
investigators that are very promising! I am excited to help all of them come
unto Christ. I love this gospel and I
love this work!
I love you all,
Elder Rash
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Selfies are the best! |
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Rain + dirt= mud....not so good for white shirts |
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Even when he's tired he's smiling! |
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Getting ready to head out on a cold and rainy day! |
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Isn't he sooooo handsome! |
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I did NOT send him out with this jacket.... |