This week was another great
week out here in Phokeng! Elder Bindrup and I had a pretty successful week. We
are definitely seeing the work pick up and progress. We now have 4
investigators on date and had 4 at church yesterday, compared to the 1 at
sacrament and 0 on date when we first got here.
Precious, the lady I spoke
about last week came to church and is on date for baptism on July 22nd. She is
doing great and progressing really well. Margaret and her husband weren't at
church because they went back to their home (4 hours away) to visit their
children. They are just renting this side for work. But they are both
progressing really well. We are praying that Edward is able to come to church
finally this Sunday. Another GOLDEN investigator we have met with this week is
Eugene. Eugene is a 22 year old young man who is the brother to a Sis. in the
ward. When we first arrived at his house he just kept welcoming us. Super
friendly. As we started the lesson he began to open up to us. He mentioned how
his sister had given him a Book of Mormon a while back and how he had been
reading it but had kind of stopped. He also told us how he use to drink, smoke
marijuana, and smoke cigarettes, but how he had stopped all of that on his own
about 2 months ago now. He has seen many blessings in his life as he has begun
to change his life. He recently got a job at one of the mines. The lesson we
had with him was super powerful! We invited him to baptism on July 29th in our
first visit with him. He quickly accepted. He loves coming to church and is
there almost every week. He lives about a 30 min drive from the chapel but hops
on a taxi every weekend after work so he can come to church.
Also this week I went on an
exchange with Elder Neeley. That was a ton of fun! We get along really well and
just had a great time doing the Lords work. He is an awesome missionary full of
enthusiasm and humor.
Also Elder Bindrup and I went
to a basketball tournament of one of our investigators Thabiso, and member who
comes with us all the time, Thsepo. That was a lot of fun to watch. It reminded
me so much of my days of going to all day basketball tournaments. However, here
it is outside on cement courts. The people here in Phokeng and the Northwest
province are so passionate about basketball, I love it!
Well Elder Bindrup and I are
looking forward to another great week full of adventures and hard work. I love
you all and will talk to you next week!
Love Elder Rash
Homemade salsa from home |
Beautiful Sunflower field |
Handsome Elder Rash |
Elder Bindrup and Elder Rash |
Chapel of Church building |
Church building |
Classrooms |
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