Monday, September 17, 2018

Week 55: Trials not only make us stronger, but allow us to help others

This week was a lot better than last week. This week we were able to go on exchanges with the Mayfield missionaries, Elder Bishop and Almeida. I went to Mayfield with Elder Almeida. We had a blast! Mayfield is a biking area so I got to bike for a day. The best part was we put our member presents on our handle bars while we biked to appointments. I forgot my camera that day so I don't have any pictures from our exchange . I really enjoyed being able to get to know Elder Almeida, who is from Brazil. He is a very hard working missionary with a very strong testimony. I loved hearing his conversion story and how despite all the challenges he has faced since being baptized, such as being kicked out of his home at age 17 because he joined the church, he is now here on a mission and has basically left everything to be here. He is also super hilarious with his broken English. On Saturday Elder Siale and I did a lot of tracting around the area that we live. Let's just say Elder Siale and I have a lot of fun tracting lol. We were able to speak with a lot of people and get return appointments but we had a lot of experiences where we were only able to get out one sentence before they stopped us and walked away. One experience left us dying laughing.  We knocked on the gate and a black man walked out from behind the house. We asked him if we could give him a book. He immediately said no and began to make his way behind a wall. I quickly asked if I could ask him one last question, which he ignored me, so I began to ramble off the question as he disappeared behind the wall. Elder Siale and I just busted out in laughter. We are pretty sure the man heard us dying of laughter in front of his house. I'm grateful I have the companion I have.
On Sunday we had a new investigator from a few weeks back in Northmead named Khumbu come to church. When he got there we were surprised to see he had brought his mom with him. they both enjoyed church a lot. We talked with his mom after church and she said she loved it and that she would see us next week. 
Our zone did great this week. We finally saw the breakthrough we have all been waiting for. Every companionship in the Zone is working hard and everyone is seeing the fruits of their hard work. We reached basically all of our Zone Goals for the month of September and we still have 2 weeks left. This was just one of those weeks where everyone was smiling at the end of it.
So the biggest thing that happened this week was on Tuesday evening. Tuesday night I received a phone call from President Leavitt. He informed me that he was needing my help. He proceeded to tell me that he had an Elder that was about to embark on the same journey I embarked on about 2 years ago. He asked if I would talk with him and give him advice and encouragement. I was taken aback by this request but also more than happy to do it. He gave me the next 40 minutes to think about what I would say before I talked with this Elder. My mind quickly raced through the experiences I have had and faced starting about 2 years ago. Later that evening I was able to talk on the phone with both President Leavitt as well as this missionary who was about to return home but had a strong desire to return. I'm so grateful for this opportunity President Leavitt provided me. I know exactly how that young missionary was feeling and I was able to provide some comfort and insight on what he was about to face and how best to handle it. I was able to answer many questions that this young missionary and President Leavitt had. I know I would have been grateful to have been able to talk with a missionary who had already done what I was about to do. 
I have truly come to realize that the trials and challenges we go through are not only to strengthen us but to also allow us to help others who will face those same challenges. I'm grateful for the trials I have faced in my life. I know the best way to utilize those trials is to not be ashamed of them but to use them to help others. I know this gospel is true. I know our Savior lives. I know His atonement is real. That is why I returned to South Africa. Three years is a small sacrifice if you compare it to the ultimate sacrifice our Savior Jesus Christ made. Apply the atonement in your lives. It will only bring happiness and joy.
Love Elder Rash

Elder Rash and Elder Siale love being companions
Note from mom:  These pictures were taken from the mission Blog.  They had interviews a couple of weeks ago and must have had a team building activity.  Love seeing my boy smiling! 

After a year on the mission, it is time to break out some of his new shirts!  Can you tell which
one is two years old and which one is brand new?

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