Friends and Family,
I feel like
I have so much to say about this week but don’t have the words to describe and
explain it. I guess I’ll go ahead and try.
Let's just
say that through the week and the buildup of past weeks both Elder Spencer and
I were beginning to develop feelings of “I’m done with this area and these
unprepared people”. Multiple times I just sat there talking to myself and elder
Spencer asking “when is Heavenly Father going to finally bless us with prepared
people after all the hard work we’ve been putting in?” On Friday we were both
feeling pushed to our limits. I wish I could explain how the final 2 days of
the week unfolded and the things that happened.
On Saturday
we were able to find many people within our area that seemed interested. Some
of which we met with on Sunday. We had one lady come up to Elder Spencer, as he
was talking to someone else, interrupt the conversation, and state that she was
interested in learning more. It turns out she use to attend church in Elder
Spencer’s home ward in Zimbabwe.
On Sunday is
when we really saw the hand of the lord present in our work. First off Elder
Spencer and I were able to speak in church which is always a great opportunity.
We also had the Baptism of Sis. Annah and her two granddaughters Gabriella, and
Angela. It was such a sweet moment. I was also privileged enough to have been
asked by Gabriella and Angela to baptize them. Later that day we went and
visited a man named Isaac who we had talked to on Saturday. We had a great
lesson with him. He has had some unfortunate events happen in his life which
has left him questioning “why does god allow bad things to happen to good
people?” He is excited for us to continue to meet. He has a wife and 3 children
as well. After the lesson with Isaac we went to check on a few people. As we
were walking up some stairs a colored lady called to us and asked us if we were
from the church. She asked that we give her a book to read and for us to come
visit her. She has a great desire to change. After that we decided to check up
on a person who the Assistants met that claimed to be a member who stayed
within our boundaries. We were able to find her home and after talking to her a
bit we learned that she wasn’t a member and that none of her family was either.
She met with the missionaries a while back in the eastern cape but ended up
moving to where the church wasn’t very accessible. Her exact words to us were
“I’m not a member, yet!” Elder Spencer and I were both just taken back. We set
a return appointment and hopped in the car. As we sat there in the car we both
just turned to each other and started laughing. We had gone through the fiery
furnace the past few weeks but the Lord finally blessed us and we definitely recognized
I know that
missionary work isn’t easy. I also know that it isn’t impossible. I have gained
a testimony that Heavenly Father is aware of our circumstances as well as the
desire of our hearts. I also know that Heavenly Father doesn’t make it easy. He
tests our patience and our willingness to do his will. This is his work and it
is all done in his timing.
Elder Rash
P.S. I was
also able to go on an exchange with Elder Ricks. Elder Ricks is from the
beautiful land of Mesa, Arizona!!! We had a great time together and I enjoyed
being able to pick his mind about how ASU football and Basketball have been
doing. Let's just say he’s new enough on mission to have a very up-to-date
report on those subjects lol. Elder Ricks is a great missionary with a solid
testimony. If only he didn’t go to Mt. View...
Baptism of Gabriella, Sis. Annah and Angela (grandma and grand-daughters) |
Elder Rash and Elder Jenkins |
On Exchanges with Elder Ricks (from Mesa, Arizona) |
Selfie |
Biking in Elder Ricks area |
A different part of Florida, South Africa...NOT in his area! |
Zone Conference - Mission Office Zone |
Elder Rash helping out during Zone Conference |
Mala Magodu - YUCK!!! |
What a beautiful family! |
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