This week was powerful. We
were able to watch the first 3 sessions of General Conference as well as the
priesthood session. I've never enjoyed and been so grateful for General
Conference as I was this time. I know that Russell M. Nelson has been called by
God as well as the Apostles and other church leaders. I am grateful for the
speakers we were able to listen to and learn from.
We had many investigators who
were able to attend the conference. But there is one person and experience that
stuck out the most. We have an investigator named Khaya. He is in his mid 20's
and has many addictions to overcome but has a very strong desire to change and
to learn more about the gospel. Earlier this week he expressed how he wanted to
have faith to the point where he could move mountains, he used the story from
the bible as an example. He just didn't know why God doesn't show his power
like that anymore and why he can't do that when he feels like he has such great
faith. Elder Nielsen and I did our best to answer his question and concern.
Also we have been inviting him to church the past 3 weeks but he has yet to
come. Fast forward a few days to Saturday. Elder Nielsen and I walked with him
to the chapel Saturday evening to watch the Saturday morning session of general
conference with him. The whole time I was praying that he would feel the spirit
and enjoy the speakers. My prayer was quickly answered and put at ease when the
very first speaker Elder Ballard spoke about having faith like a mustard seed
and how if we have faith like a mustard seed we can have the power to command
the mountains to move. He continued to expound on that bible story, the same
one Khaya had asked us about, and explained that if we have faith the size of a
mustard seed we can overcome trials and things in our life members, and
nonmembers. As soon as we heard this Elder Nielsen and I both looked at Khaya
to find a very big grin on his face. Khaya then proceeded to point at himself
and say "he is talking to me". From then on he began taking notes
from every single speaker. I am so grateful for the guidance we are able to
find through the Prophet and Apostles. They truly are called of God and are
here to lead and guide us.
Also this week we met with a
member's sister who is not a member. Her name is Winnie. For many years she has
been avoiding missionaries and has been closed off. She has a rough past. She
was previously a Sangoma, or witch doctor who talks with spirits and does all
kinds of crazy bad stuff. The past 10 years or so she has turned away from that
stuff. Although one can turn away from these things, Satan and his angels still
have hold you and do not leave you alone. This is why she has been avoiding
missionaries and coming to church. This week we were able to sit down with just
her and discern her needs. As we began talking and she began opening up she
broke down into tears. She requested we give her a priesthood blessing because
these spirits weren't leaving her alone and torturing her. We were able to do
so and cast these spirits out. After the blessing she expressed a deep sense of
peace and relief. She had one last Sangoma beaded necklace around her neck. We
asked her to remove it but she said that it was fishing line and she didn't
have scissors. I had the privilege to go over and break the necklace in half
and remove it, with my priesthood :). We invited her to close with a prayer and
she did for the first time in a very long time. The next day, Saturday, she
came to General Conference with her family. She also came on Sunday for the
other sessions. She finally feels peace and free from these spirits. We are
excited to see how she progresses as we begin to teach her the gospel. I love
you all. Talk to you next week
Love, Elder Rash
* note from mom: Transfers are this week and he says that he and Elder Nielsen are staying together. He feels he will be transferred the NEXT transfer. He was so happy to hear about his first mission president, Pres. Dunn, being called as an Area Seventy at General Conference! He was super excited to hear about his cousin Colton turning in his mission papers and is praying that he gets sent to the JoBurg Mission! Devon says they need more missionaries serving in this area. They have 97 missionaries in the Johannesburg Mission. He was also excited to hear that his cousin Kimmy will be home soon. He was so happy about soooo many things this week!
His eye sight apparently has gone bad since serving in Africa! |
Sunset in Africa |
I have no idea |
Elder Rash's District (yes, it is small) |
Zone Conference |
Interviews and training at the mission home |
Role playing with two senior sister missionaries |
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