Monday, October 29, 2018

Week 61: Don't give up!!!

Drum roll please.........

Elder Siale and I will be staying together for another transfer! We are excited for another transfer together. He will be the longest companion I've had. There is a lot of work for him and I to do still here in Rynfield and Northmead.
We were unable to meet with Lydia and Russell this week because they are preparing to leave for Dubai in a few days so we won't be able to meet with them for a few weeks. This week we had 3 baptisms. Zanoxolo (17), his brother Loyiso (16), and Vuyo (9). It has been a joy teaching these young men and it was such a sweet moment to see them enter the waters of baptism. Vuyo is a little boy that wasn't baptized when he was 8 so when he turned 9 we had to teach him before he could get baptized. Let's just say him and his little sister Tumi (7) taught us. It was such a joy to go to their home each week and have them literally teach us the lesson WE had come to teach. Every time we entered their gate they would both come running up to Elder Siale and I to give us a hug. They are the cutest and most loving kids ever. I have come to love them and their family (Phango family).
On Friday we did some tracting in Northmead... After a few hours of knocking gates, with little success, it was about time for us to head to a meeting. As we knocked the last gate before heading back a man came out and began talking with us. About 4 years ago he was involved in a really bad work accident that left him blind in one eye, 70% blind in the other, and with short term memory loss. We asked if we could share a message about Jesus Christ and when would be a convenient time for us to do so. Usually we get the answer of "I'll call you" or "in a few weeks". To our surprise he told us his wife would be home at 6:30 and that we could come back at 7 pm. About an hour later we returned to their home. When we sat down with him, his wife seemed a little skeptical and then asked us the usual question "are you Jehovah Witness?" once again we replied "no." We had a great lesson with them about the Plan of Salvation. Everything that we shared with them his wife confirmed that it is what she believes. It was a great lesson for us to get to know them and their beliefs and to just get into their home and help them feel the spirit. They told us that we could come back this Thursday which is when we will be able to share the message of the Restoration.
The Lord truly tests our faith. During this time of tracting Elder Siale and I experienced people rolling their eyes at us, dogs almost biting us, and people telling us they already know Jesus Christ. We saw Heavenly Father consecrate our performance when we were able to get into the very last gate we knocked. Whenever you feel like you can't go on any longer or that it's not worth it, hold on a little longer. Something amazing is about to come.
Love, Elder Rash
Well last night Elder Siale and I got a phone call about 11 pm from two missionaries in our zone. They told us that their flat had just flooded. We quickly ran over there and had a blast sweeping water out of their flat and soaking it all up until 1am. That is officially the latest I have ever stayed up on mission.
Baptism of Zanoxolo, Loyiso, and Vuyo
The Phango Family

Tumi and Vuyo Phango

What a sight!

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