Monday, November 5, 2018

Week 62: Having a positive attitude makes things bearable

Hello Friends and Family,
It was another great week out here in SA (South Africa). Elder Siale and I have seen the Lord bless us with many new people who are ready for the gospel. One of which lives in our flat complex. She saw us missionaries outside one day so she came over and told us she wanted to meet with the missionaries and that she had met with them in 2012. We went and visited her on Tuesday and discovered that she was about to be baptized about 6 years ago but life got crazy and some concerns about the church came up. She expressed to us that she believes the Book of Mormon is true. Her and her husband are looking for a church now. We invited her to baptism and her and her daughter both accepted. They were suppose to come to church but her Mother-in-Law was admitted to the hospital so they were unable to make it. We are excited to visit them this week again and to meet the husband as well.
On Friday we held a Zone meeting where we discussed our upcoming plans for the Light the World campaign and watched a video where we received some insights from Elder Nielsen of the Seventy. It was a great meeting and it was fun to have our whole, rapidly growing, zone together (we added to our zone another area and companionship).
Friday evening I celebrated Halloween for the first time on my mission. Halloween is celebrated here but is not very common. It is celebrated mostly by members of the church who live in town. No one goes out Trick or Treating because it is dangerous. However we did have a Ward Trunk or Treat that evening. So that was fun.
Also on Friday Elder Siale and I tracted for 2 hours in Rynfield town. The very first door we knocked we had someone throw the F bomb at us lol. It was 2 hours filled with rejection but also 2 hours filled with success because we were doing what we were supposed to be doing. On Saturday we did 3 hours of tracting in Northmead town. Well, we had basically the same outcome. We had someone throw the F-bomb at us again as well as people yelling at us to get away from their gate, and people yelling at us telling us we were annoying them. Once again it was a successful day and Elder Siale and I were proud of our efforts. (Matt 10:22)
The Church is true. I will continue to share that with others whether they accept me or not. For I am not ashamed of the gospel.
Love, Elder Rash
note from mom:  No pictures this week.  He said that the internet cafĂ© service was running slow and his pictures wouldn't download.  I'm expecting LOTS of pictures next week!

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