Monday, November 19, 2018

Week 64: Walking, biking and tracting...the life of a missionary

This week was a very jam packed and eventful week! It started Monday night when Elder Siale and I were able to go and play touch rugby with about 20 non-members in Northmead. We then ran over to Kempton Parks flat so we could conduct an exchange with them. So on Tuesday I was with Elder Gray (Colorado) in his area Kempton Park (town). We had an interesting day, needless to say. It consisted of tracting, biking to one appointment, taking a broken bike to the bike shop, blown tires, and a two hour walk just to be driven back to where we started lol. Elder Gray and I had a blast though.
On Thursday Elder Siale and I had a great time tracting in Crystal Park (black town). We had a few lessons with some people we found the previous week. One of those lessons was with a man named Thulani (29). Last week we were able to share with him a little bit about why Jesus Christ established one true church. On Thursday we were able to finish sharing with him about how God restored that church back to the earth. As Elder Siale and I began to bear our testimonies about the truthfulness of the message and the Book of Mormon, tears started to stream down his face. The spirit was present and so strong. We were able to come and do service for him the next day, Friday, and met one of his friends Thabiso. Thulani is a referral machine. He kept telling us about how he told all his friends and how he is going to bring a crowd to church. Thulani came to church on Sunday and he loved it. The crowd didn't follow with him but hopefully next week.
On Saturday I had the privilege of bringing Elder Julander (Panguetch UT) to my area on an exchange. Elder Julander has been out in the mission field for a whopping 3 weeks! He is an amazing missionary. We had a blast tracting practically the whole day. We were both able to really refine our tracting skills. Close to the end of the day, about 4 pm, we moved closer to our 5 o'clock appointment to tract around there. As we got out of the car I said a quick prayer in my heart saying "Heavenly Father if it be your will, help us at least find 1 person that we can get a return appointment with." Up till that time we hadn't gotten any. The last 4 houses we knocked we were able to get two potential return appointments and they gave us their phone numbers. #tendermercy. After our 5 o'clock appointment with Wendy and Nqobile (the two girls that were baptized yesterday) we decided to stop by an older couples home. We had a great time visiting with them and getting to know them a bit better. Their in-active daughter, who hasn't been to church since at least I got here, joined us and we had a great time talking about their memories of missionaries in the past when they would stay with their family at their home, take missionaries to movies, etc. On Sunday, as I was on the stand to bless the sacrament, I watched their daughter walk into church. The work of ministering is amazing.
Sunday was a great day! We had a great turnout at church. We were a little disappointed because some people we were expecting to come didn't come. We had a total of 11 people at church. A few of them had come for the first time which was awesome! Later in the day we came back to the chapel for the baptism of Wendy and Nqobile, in the Northmead ward. We have been teaching Wendy and Nqobile for quite some time. They are two of the sweetest young women. It was a special moment when Nqobile called me and asked me to baptize her. The spirit was so strong at the baptism and baptismal program. The love and support that these girls have received from the Northmead ward is indescribable. The faith that these girls have is amazing as well. They wouldn't let freezing cold water postpone their baptism. The geyser was broken so there was no hot water. Let's just say it was refreshing and an experience I'll never forget.
I know that Heavenly Father answers prayers. I know that His hand is constantly in our lives. I know that we must align our will with His. As we do that miracles begin to happen.
Love, Elder Rash

Note from mom:  I asked him if he was going to get a traditional Thanksgiving dinner.  Here was his response:
So we actually had two families volunteer to make us a Thanksgiving dinner. One of them thought Thanksgiving was the last Thursday of November and I didn't know so I just went with it, so she signed up to feed us on the 29th; but that's a week after Thanksgiving. Another family, the Relief Society President, signed up to feed us this Thursday. Her and her daughter asked me what we wanted them to cook for Thanksgiving or what kind of things we eat on Thanksgiving. So for the first time in 3 Thanksgivings on my mission, I will celebrate Thanksgiving. Yes, they are white families that will be feeding us. Black people don't celebrate Thanksgiving. White people don't really either but a lot of them have family overseas in the states so they know about it.
Asked if he was excited to be an uncle:
 I can't believe I'll be an uncle in 3 weeks or so... 3 weeks on a mission flies by so It's going to feel like tomorrow when that day comes.

Splits with Elder Gray

Splits with Elder Julander

Wendy and Elder Siale

Blessed day!

Nqobile and Elder Rash

Sometimes a picture just pops up in his google drive that I have never seen before. 
I don't know when this picture was taken, but I know he loves these missionaries.

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