This week has been great! My
new companion is awesome. We get along super well. He is full of laughs. I don't
think there has been a day when we haven't been laughing all day.
We were able to do service
this week for some members, the Campbell family, in Northmead. It was tons of
fun. The Campbell's are awesome. I got to climb a tree so we could slowly cut
it down piece by piece. I may have pictures and videos of it next week.
Also Elder Siale and I got to
grind peanuts and shred coconuts for an investigators family. Elder Siale went
ham on the coconuts since he did it all the time back home.
We had a fun experience
tracting in Northmead this week. Let's just say I'm glad I have a companion who
I can just laugh with the entire time. Rejection isn't fun unless you have a
Tongan companion lol. Elder Siale is very outgoing and just loving. We feed off
of each other when we are out talking with people. It is so enjoyable.
The work is very busy. Our
week is already filled practically every hour of every day. It's a little
stressful trying to balance both areas, but we are learning. Elder Siale and I
both spoke in the Northmead ward yesterday. It was really good. The members
trust in us is definitely growing fairly quick.
Tomorrow is Zone Conference.
It will be both Elder Siale and I's first Zone Conference as Zone Leaders so
hopefully we don't fail with our training. I'm excited for the time I have to
serve with Elder Siale. I'm excited for the road ahead. All I can say is time
flies. I hope to make the most of my time on my mission. South Africa is
definitely my home.
Love, Elder Rash
Grinding peanuts and rice with an investigator |
Elder Siale shaving coconut |
Elder Rash giving it a try |
Trying to be African |
Zone Leader Training |
Transfer Day and seeing some friends |
Stripling Warriors |
Baptism in Kwa-Thema of some investigators Elder Rash taught |
Minenhles baptism....fruits of Elder Rash's labor of love |
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